WoolWork is the new name for KnitBritish Join me on my journey of woolly discovery celebrating the unique characteristics of local wool, from sheep to skein, to finished object. You can visit woolwork.net and follow me on twitter and IG @_woolwork
All shownotes and links can be found at KnitBritish
| News
KnitBritish is sponsored by BritYarn an amazing new online wool shop specialising in British wool!
I talk a little bit of why sponsorship and a lot about the wondrousness of BritYarn, which opened its doors on Tuesday to a lot of love. From British wool to UK indie designers to notions and project bags - all sourced within the UK - there is a lot to love!
| Make It Fit
First posts will be coming soon. Sign up to our monthly newsletter to be kept up to date. Jo and I will be offering a helping hand in measuring at the Indie Burgh Yarn Crawl next weekend too!
The yarn crawl is in Edinburgh next weekend (13-14) please check out Ginger Twist website for news and available workshops.
| Knit one Bike one
I talk to Janet Renouf-Miller about her upcoming journey around Scotland on a bicycle. She will be offering workshops and tuition in exchange for a meal, or accomodation and will be creating a book from her journey.
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 48.29MB - Duration: 52:45 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)